Giovanni Tretti
Skills and professional experience
Giovanni Tretti is the founding Partner of the GTA Law Firm in 2007, after having gained significant experience first in the world of companies, as general director and legal affairs director of companies with multinational presence, for which he also served on the boards of directors of foreign companies, therefore as a shareholder and resident partner of structured and national-level professional realities.
From the beginning of his career, he has dealt with Corporate law, Merger & Acquisitions, Industrial Property Law (trademarks, patents, copyright), national and international Contracts, Advertising and Sponsorships in both sports and fashion, national and EU Competition Law, Restructuring, Turnaround and Property.
Since the entry into force of the regulation on Corporate Liability (Legislative Decree n. 231/2001), he has also dealt with this matter, having participated in the work of the Confindustria (italian association representing companies) Commission for Guidelines in this field and assisting companies of various types and sizes both in the construction and updating of the “231Models”, and by being part of the Supervisory Bodies, developing these skills with reference to the more general area of corporate compliance, also in the fields of labor safety and environmental law.
He assists domestic and foreign companies both in the private sector and in the area of public sector subsidiaries, of various sizes and sectors.
He has experience as a member of the Boards of Statutory Auditors, including in the sector of listed companies.
In the areas of competence, he is often called upon to carry out training activities and to provide thematic in-depth contributions
Training and Qualification
Classical High School Diploma in Vicenza and Degree in Law at the University of Padua (1979)
Qualification to practice the profession of lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Venice (1981)
Registered in the Bar Association at the Court of Vicenza.
Civil and Commercial Law
Advertising and Sponsoring
Environmental and Safety Law
Corporate Compliance (White Collars Crimes and Corporate Liability)
Transparency and Anticorruption
Intellectual Property
Antitrust Law
Labour Law
Corporate law
Bankruptcy and Corporate Restructuring
Litigation and Arbitration