Susanna Greggio
CONTACTSkills and professional experience
Susanna Greggio collaborates with the GTA Law Firm since 2007, the year of its foundation. She became Equity Partner of the Firm in 2018.
Since the beginning of her professional activity, Susanna has dealt with corporate and commercial law, industrial property law, national and international contracts, national and EU competition law, product liability, corporate compliance and privacy.
In the area of privacy and the law of new technologies (Privacy Code and EU Reg. No. 679/2016 – “GDPR”, in addition to the various sector provisions), Susanna aims to integrate the specific rules within company procedures and existing management systems. In this matter, Susanna assists companies of various types and sizes in carrying out the numerous obligations prescribed by the law, as well as in the construction of the Personal Data Protection Model, and follows its updates.
Susanna developed these skills by following specific training courses, with reference to the area of corporate compliance, also on the subject of corporate data and information security, as well as on the construction of organizational models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Susanna is currently Data Protection Officer (DPO) of companies based in Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Susanna also holds the function of Supervisory Body of some companies in Veneto.
In the field of privacy and data protection, Susanna is often called upon to carry out training sessions and to provide in-depth thematic contributions, also at associations representing companies.
Training and Qualification
Scientific High School Diploma in Bassano del Grappa (VI) and Degree in Law at the University of Trento (transnational specialization) (2003)
Qualification to practice the profession of lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Venice (2007)
Registered in the Bar Association at the Court of Vicenza.
Civil and Commercial Law
Antitrust Law
Corporate Compliance (EU Reg. 2016/679 – Legislative Decree 231/2001)
New Technology Law
Intellectual Property
Litigation and Arbitration
Corporate Law